Cursos / 26 Maio 2021

Save the date! Next Cardiovascular Module in Portugal - Porto

 Porto (PT) 2-4 September 2021


This course is dedicated to teaching the clinical applications of CT and MRI of the heart and vessels. Different pathologies and important issues for daily clinical practice will be discussed in plenary sessions, as well as the technological advances that contribute to a faster and more reliable diagnosis including future perspectives. Workshops will be given to practice image processing tools for MRI.

The course is aimed at Radiologists, Cardiologists, MRI and CT Technicians, Residents in radiology and cardiology, Physicians and Physicists who currently work or will work in the future with MRI and/or CT regarding cardiovascular diagnosis. Participants will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the basic knowledge as well as the advanced applications of cardiovascular normal or pathologic conditions. Those who pass an examination at the end of the course will receive a certificate.

CME-accreditation will be requested.


Local: J. Alves Costa (Porto, P)

Co-organizer and Course Coordinator: H. Lamb (Leiden, NL)

VENUE: Porto (specific address tba)


Diana Martins, JCC Diagnostic Imaging, Portugal


Phone: +351 962031370


Certified Radiologist/Specialist: 750€ / 800€ - for early / late registration (before / after May 14th, 2021)

Residents / trainees / MRI and CT Technicians (upon proof of status): 550 / 600€ - for early / late registration (before / after May 14th, 2021)

Bank Account: IBAN: PT50 0010 0000 56601840002 87  


Please mention: Erasmus Course Cardiac 2021 

Registration fee includes: course participation, digital syllabus, coffee breaks, lunches and a course dinner, this last if the situation permits. Hotel is not included but we have a special hotel offer with lower rate.


a. In case of cancellation by the participant
1.    Registrations cancelled more than 60 days before the event will be refunded 80% of the registration fees. 
2.    Registrations cancelled less than 60 but more than 30 days before the event will be refunded 50% of the registration fees. 
3.    Registrations cancelled less than 30 days before the event will not be eligible for a refund. 

b. In case of cancellation or postponement by the organizing committee due to exceptional circumstances (e.g. COVID-19 outbreak...)
Participants will have the choice either to be refunded or to transfer their registration fee for the same module to be held at a later date.


Hildo Lamb
Dept. of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands

Albert de Roos
Dept. of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands

Luigi Natale
Institute of Radiology, Dept. of Bioimaging and Radiological Sciences, Catholic University of Rome, Italy

Marco Francone
Istitut Clinico Humanitas IRCCS | Humanitas Biomedical Sciences, Milan, Italy

Rodrigo Salgado
Dept. of Radiology, Antwerp University Hospital UZA, Antwerp, Belgium

Maria João Baptista
Dept. of Pediatric Cardiology, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João, Porto, Portugal

Joana Alves Costa
Cardiac Imaging Unit, JCC Diagnostic Imaging, Viana do Castelo – Vila Real – Braga – Porto, Portugal

Paulo Donato
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra
Dept. of Medical Imaging, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Portugal

Nuno Bettencourt
Faculdade de Medicina do Porto, Portugal

Miguel Vieira
Cardiac Imaging Unit, JCC Diagnostic Imaging, Viana do Castelo – Vila Real – Braga – Porto, Portugal

Henrique Rodrigues
JCC Diagnostic Imaging, Viana do Castelo – Vila Real – Braga – Porto, Portugal


Thursday 2 nd September

8.00-8.15: Registration
8.15-8.30: Introduction: (J. Alves Costa, Porto, P)
Basics, Technical Issues and New Technologies
8.30-9.00: CMR: the future is 3D and EZ: H. Lamb (Leiden, NL)
9.00-9.30: CCT acquisition: a refresh of basic technical aspects: N. Bettencourt (Porto, P)
9.30-10.00: CMR and CCT: challenges in acquisition: how do I managed difficult cases? L. Natale (Rome, I)
10.00- 10.20: Coronary arteries CT anatomy and variants J. Alves Costa (Porto, P)
10.20-10.40: Cardiac CT anatomy besides coronary arteries: M. Vieira (Porto, P)
10.45-11.05: Coffee break

CCT and CMR: Ischemic Heart Disease
11.10-11.30: Coronary CTA indications and how I report it: M. Vieira (Porto, P)
11.30-12.00: What to report in CTA for evaluation of stents and CABGs: R. Salgado (Antwerp, B)
12.00-12.30: New techniques: CT- FFR vs CMR stress perfusion: Nuno Bettencourt (Porto, P)
12.30-12.50: CMR in Ischemic Heart Disease: from perfusion to infarction: J. Alves Costa (Porto, P)
12.50-13.00: Questions & Answers
13.00-14.30: Lunch
14.30-17.45: Workshops
Workshop I (60’): CMR perfusion and viability: how I do it (L. Natale)
Workshop II (60’): Coronary CTA: stenosis quantification (N. Bettencourt)
Workshop III (60’): CT: anatomy of the heart and coronary arteries anomalies (M. Vieira)

Friday 3 rd September

CMR: Non Ischemic Myocardial Diseases
8.30-9.00: The role of LGE differentiating non ischemic myocardial diseases: L. Natale (Rome, I)
9.00-9.30: Parametric imaging (T1, T2, T2* mapping) and recent developments in Iron Quantification: H. Lamb (Leiden, NL)
9.30-10.00: Does T1 mapping and ECV minimize the need of biopsies in cardiac amyloidosis? H. Lamb (Leiden, NL)
10.05-10.25: Coffee break
10.30-11.00: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy - tissue characterization: M. Francone (Rome, I)
11.00-11.30: Myocarditis – the role of parametric imaging: A. de Roos (Leiden, NL)
11.30-12.00: Diabesity Imaging: H. Lamb (Leiden, NL)
12.00-12.10: Questions & Answers
12.15-13.45: Lunch
14.00-17.15: Workshops
Workshop IV (60’): Hypertrophic heart and CMR: different diagnosis (M. Francone and J. Alves Costa)
Workshop V (60’): Myocarditis and special cases (A. de Roos)
Workshop VI (60’): CMR in non ischemic heart disease: differentials (M. Vieira)

Saturday 4 th September

Congenital Heart Disease and Novel Tools for Image Analysis
8.15- 8.40: Pre-chirurgical evaluation of Congenital Heart Diseases: CMR or CCT? A. De Roos (Leiden, NL)
8.40-9.10: Post-chirurgical evaluation of Congenital Heart Disease patients: A. De Roos (Leiden, NL)
9.10-9.40: The cardiologic pediatric point of view: what is it important to know from CCT or CMR before chirurgical repair of different congenital heart diseases: M. J. Baptista (Porto, P)
9.40-10.10: Artificial Intelligence basics and cardiovascular applications: H. Lamb (Leiden, NL)
10.15-10.35: Coffee break

Valvular Heart Disease
10.40-11.10: Evaluation Pre – and Pos- TAVI: R. Salgado (Antwerp, BE)
11.10-11.40: Valvular Heart Disease: CMR evaluation with 2D and 4D Flow: H. Lamb (Leiden, NL)

Aortic Diseases
11.40-12.10: Acute and chronic aortic diseases: when to use CT or MR? R. Salgado (Antwerp, B)

Cardiac Masses and Pericardium
12.10-12.40: Cardiac masses and pericardium: L. Natale (Rome, I)
12.40-12.55: Questions & Answers
13.10-14.40: Lunch
14.45-18.00: Workshops
Workshop VII: Congenital Heart Diseases: CCT cases (H. Rodrigues)
Workshop VIII: Evaluation of Aortic Stenosis: how I do it (R. Salgado)
Workshop IX: Aortic evaluation: acute syndromes and chronic diseases (Paulo Donato)
18.10-18.40: Test
18.40: Adjourn


Please if interested, click to register, and please send an email to ErasmusCoursePortugal@gmail.com, with the proof of payment. Payment information is indicated above and on the registration form. After complete registration with effective payment, you will receive a confirmation email by the secretary also giving you options of hotels where you have a special price. You just need to inform the hotel that you will participate at ERASMUS COURSE CARDIAC PORTO, when booking your room. Course registration is only effective after payment.


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