
Types of Exams

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

It is a medical imaging technique for imaging the anatomy and physiological processes of the body.

Computed tomography

Imaging diagnostic examination consisting of an image representing a section or 'slice' of the body

Coronariography by T.A.C.

It is the realization of a cardiac catheterization to investigate the presence of obstructive lesions.

Colonography by T.A.C.

It is an examination that allows visualizing the interior of the distended large intestine.

Digital acquisition mammography

It is an ideal method for screening for breast cancer.

Ultrasound / Doppler

Most accessible method to evaluate organs of the human body.

Digital Radiology

Set of techniques to obtain radiological images in digital format.

Interventional Radiology

Minimally invasive maneuvers in the human body using imaging techniques.

Dental Radiology

Screening for diseases of the teeth and bones and face

Bone Densitometry

Technique that allows to measure the amount of bone in the different parts of the skeleton.
Um novo norte para a imagiologia

JCC Imaging Course

  • Neurology HIFU MRg Unit Symposium

    Neurology HIFU MRg Unit Symposium

    HIFU MRg Unit from HOPCA - Saúde & JCC Diagnostic Imaging is organising Neurology HIFU MRg Unit Symposium
    14 April 2023
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  • Citizen of Merit 2021

    Citizen of Merit 2021

    Dr. João Carlos Costa, the founder and CEO of the JCC Diagnostic Imaging group, was honored as a “Citizen of Merit” 2021
    09 February 2022
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  • Save the date! Next Cardiovascular Module in Portugal - Porto, 2-4 September 2021!

    Save the date! Next Cardiovascular Module in Portugal - Porto, 2-4 September 2021!

    EMRI Erasmus Course Cardiovascular MRI with CT correlation, Porto was postponed to 2-4 September, due to COVID-19 outbreak.
    15 March 2021
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João Carlos Costa - Diagnostic Imaging

The radiology clinic was created in 1987 by Dr. João Carlos Costa and began its activity with the techniques of Ultrasound, Mammography and Computed Tomography being a pioneer in these diagnostic techniques in the Viana do Castelo district.

Where we are

Ours clinics

  • Clínica de Braga

    Clínica de Braga

  • Clínica de Viana do Castelo

    Clínica de Viana do Castelo

  • Clínica do Porto

    Clínica do Porto